Can I import Presets from Version 1 into Version 2?

Categories: fs2-preset fs2-upgrade

It is possible to import Presets from Version 1 into Version 2.

To import Presets from Version 1 into Version 2.7.0 or newer, there are two methods that can be used.

Method 1 (if you have not yet upgraded to macOS 10.15 Catalina)

  • In Folder Sync 1, use the Preset screen menu to export all saved Presets to file. A file called /User/YourUserName/Desktop/FolderSync.presets will be exported.
  • In Folder Sync 2, use the Preset screen menu to Import Presets from Folder Sync 1 and browse to select the FolderSync.presets file on your desktop.
  • Using the provided user interface, select the Presets you want to import.

Method 2 (if you have upgraded to macOS 10.15 Catalina)

  • In Folder Sync 2, hold down the OPTION key whilst clicking on the Preset screen menu Import Presets from Folder Sync 1.
  • This should open the file picker in your ~/Library/Preferences folder (which is normally hidden).
  • Browse to select the file com.destek.foldersync.plist file.
  • Using the provided user interface, select the Presets you want to import.

Because it is now mandatory for all App Store Applications to support the App Security Sandbox, after importing the Presets from Version 1, to allow Folder Sync to access the folders, you will need to manually grant permission access to the folders.

You can do this from the action menu from within the Preset table in the Home tab or you can do it from the Folder Sync 2 Application Preference window and add Security Bookmarks as neccessary. Note that adding a security bookmark in Preferences grants access to that folder and all of its sub folders.